Thursday, November 5, 2015

FIRST Physical Therapy

Yesterday I went for my first session of physical therapy. I will have 2 more sessions then I am on my own. I am to put a hot pad on my back for ten min. first then do 30 min. of exercise which was shown to me. I am to do this in the morning and a session in the evening.
Today Jon and Maria came to pick up Ethel to go to Los Vegas as they are having a family get together up there as Jon's son lives in Los Vegas and Ida is coming from Montana also.
I went to Prim Time today and I took Mary with me. The speaker was Mark Carlson. the food was Stuffed Cabbage, rice, rolls, beet salad, bread pudding and drinks, it was very delicious.
At 3:00 I went to the club to play "Hand & Foot" with the ladies. There was eight of us today.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Carlson??? Did you talk to him? What did he talk about? We know a Mark Carlson. His wife is Melinda.
