Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Physical Therapy

This morning I got up at 5:45 am and got ready for the day as I was uneasy in bed so I relaxed in my chair for a while. Then we had oat meal with raisins for breakfast and some of Lovely's package coffee. We left the house at 7:40 am to go to my 8:00 physical therapy appointment. I was advised to keep taking the assigned exercise and no need to return unless necessary.
Then we went to Home Depot for some things, then off to Wal Mart. We were on our way home at 10:10 am. We relaxed some and had the last of our chicken and dumplings.
At 1:15 pm we went to the club for Rummy-Q which we have not done since we went on the Alaska Cruise. I was lucky to win all 3 games and I collected $3.00.
We came home and had left over pizza for dinner. Watched the News and game shows which I had a hard time staying awake.

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