Monday, December 31, 2018

Last day of 2018

his morning after breakfast we went to the club and I went to the tread mill. At about 10:00 am we went to Target and purchased a electric water pot,toaster and a bottle of Zinfandel for our neighbor. We decided to play Rummy-Q at home instead of playing cards at the club so I went to pick up Mary. We had a good rain as I was taking Mary home. I made sphagatti and meat balls for dinner.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Yes I was tired

I couldn't believe it but this morning when I went to my desk I found my night pills still on my desk. As of yesterday and today I am still trying to find out why I cannot SKYPE to Alan and also I cannot make a phone call to Alan. Maybe that is why I am so tired. I guess I should not let these things bother me but I like things to be right. Well we had a good time at Alden's yesterday.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Birthday Party

Hailey brought us home from Kith's Birthday Party and I seem to be tired so I will say more on the Sunday Blog.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Turn up the heat

Yes this morning it was on the verge of frost. The hot bowl of oat meal with raisins and banana was good. I dropped Ethel off at the club while I went for my treatment with Rick. Then I went to the tread mill at the club before I picked up Ethel. I wish I had this figure.

Thursday, December 27, 2018


The nights are cooler about 34 degrees and days in the 60's. So yes it is getting cooler. Today we went to the 99 cent store and the bank and Wal-Mart. This afternoon we played Hand and Foot. It was a good day for a bowl of chili which we had tonight. Our hot water pot is disabled as the handle rusted out so we will be using the microwave for our hot water but I will check if I can find another pot. We purchased a few funny things for Keith's 80 th Birthday. Keith will be 80 January 15 2019.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Not much today

Day after Christmas is a very slow day just relaxing and played Rummy-Q. I did some reading and also icing my back.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day

Early this morning the rain came down and Alden called at about 8:30 am and said he was going to come and pick us up because he did not want me to drive in the rain. He came about 11:45 am and he loaded all things in the car. It was still raining hard. We exchanged gifts and had a great meal. Than we played Chicken Track. Alden brought us home about 8:00 pm. Then Alden shared with us that he will probably be retiring next June. They are giving a good bonus for early retirement. I missed the phone call from Alan. We had a great time for Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve 2018

For breakfast we had waffles with blueberries and whipped cream O so good. Ethel is feeling better. I made the cranberry jello to take to Alden's tomorrow. We will be going to Alden's at about noon I just pray as I don't enjoy driving at night as you don't know who will be on the freeway. We have all of our gifts ready to load in the car. Rain is predicted for Christmas day also.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Heavy fog

I went to Church and the fog was very heavy. The Church parking lot was wet. We only had two services today. Ethel didn't go to Church as she has a cold. We watched two Christmas programs on the TV. We played Rummy-Q.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Almost Christmas 2018

Well there is not much today I made a chicken hot dish for lunch and poached eggs on toast for dinner. We had fruit cake for a snack. I may be coming down with the cold. Ethel has had a cold for the last week. That is not good for Christmas.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Getting confident

Today I went down to Albertson's to complete my Christmas shopping. I set the TV to record a Christmas program then we viewed it. It was a good movie with so many commercials which I scrolled through. I need to record more so I get use to doing it. Well when I finished I found out that I lost the captions so I had to figure out how to get the caption on. I am so afraid that I will mess up the whole TV but I need to do these things more often so I will get use to it. I am still doing my icing and cooking meals and whatever else is needed for housekeeping. I still have the problem of my back going out of place but I am sleeping better.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

No cards today

This is the usual day for cards but Ethel is sick with a cold, Hsing has TV problems, Marianna getting ready to move for a few months, Rosilee traveled to family, Mary house cleaning and I can't play alone. That is OK it is time to just relax. I did some checking on Spectrum and other services but it seems like other people are paying about the same and I hate to go through the procedure of changing.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ethel's Birthday

This morning I went for my appointment with Dr. Rick. Then I opened my e-mail and I received my Spectrum bill which I couldn't believe $180.90 for one month. Well I made a call and they said they could give me a $1.40 credit. I feel like I should just cancel TV, internet and telephone. But then I would have nothing. I even told them I didn't get a penny Social Security raise and I was a widow senior but that didn't make any difference.
On the brighter side Mary treated us to lunch at the Bernardo Inn to celebrate Ethel's Birthday and we walked around and viewed the beautiful Christmas trees.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


This morning we went to Wal-Mart to shop, I purchased a Christmas cactus for Ethel's Birthday and a switch for Ethel's room the old switch died.. Our electrician,s name is Alden Alagata and he called and said he would come to install the switch after school. Alden stayed for dinner about 4:00 pm. We had a good visit with Alden and looking at pictures on my computer which were taken in 2010 at their pool house. Alden left to go home at about 6:00 pm. Nice to have some time with him.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Time with ladies

This morning I made french toast and coffee for breakfast. We went to the club and I did my exercise while Ethel did painting at the ceramics then I joined them but I did not do any ceramics. This afternoon we played hand and foot only Mary, Ethel and myself.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Busy day

This morning I did the washing it seemed like more than usual. After breakfast I checked on the washing on my way to my appointment with Dr. Rick. I stopped at the club and I did 20 minutes on the tread mill and 5 minutes of weight exercise. I checked on more washing between times and I changed my bedding. Mary stopped in for a few minutes. I did Marie Calender's pot pies for lunch. Then it was time to relax and ice my back. Afternoon snack was Fruit cake then Rummy-Q and poached eggs on toast for evening meal. Evening was watch Lawrence Welk.

Friday, December 14, 2018

5:00 am drive to Alden's

I had to drive to Alden's early this morning to meet a taxi to take Corine to the airport by 6:00 am. So we got up at 4:00 and we had yogurt, coffee and pills before we left. When we got to Alden's we had to wait in the cold car as I forgot to call Alden yesterday that we would be there early. Finally I called Alden on his cell and he opened the garage door. Then Ethel and I rested on the sofa and we headed back home at 8:00 am. We had hot oat meal and relaxed at home. It was quite a different day for us.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Shop Wal-Mart

This morning Corine made breakfast, french toast and scrambled eggs with cheese. We went shopping at Wal-Mart as Corine wanted to get gifts for her granddaughter for Christmas. Ethel took Corine to tour the church. We picked up Mary for cards and Rosealee was already waiting at the club to play cards so Corine just watched while we played. Mary and I were the big winners. For dinner we had tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Ceramics Christmas party

This morning we had blueberry waffles with extra blueberries topped off with blueberry yogurt. Very good combination. At 11:00 am Diane picked us up to go to Black Angus for our Christmas party. There was 15 of us each one ordered from the menu. Diane brought a gift from Cost-Co for each one. These are made in Taiwan, check picture also picture of Ethel and Corine.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Hair cut

Yes it has been almost three months snce I had a hair cut. At 9:00 am I went to get a hair cut there was three men waiting for the shop to open they were so nice and told me to get mine done first.  After I returned home Ethel took Corine to tour the club. At 11:00 am we went to Soup Plantation for lunch. When we got home we all took a nap. We played Rummy-Q and Corine has been the winner for two days and she has never played Rummy-Q before. Tonight I made poached eggs on toast and we had some of Cost-Co fruit cake.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Drive to Alden's

This morning I went to Dr. Rick then I stopped off at the club to do 20 minutes on the tread mill. I did my 20 minutes of icing then at 10:00 am we took off to drive down to Alden's. We waited at Alden's for the taxi to bring Corine from the airport. After she arrived we came back to R.B. and stopped off at In-n-Out for lunch. This evening I made baked potatoes, fish sticks and mixed veggies. We played some Rummy-Q. Also I did my three times of icing.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Christmas at our Church

This morning we went to church then we went to Dennys for lunch. At 3:15 pm we went to church to get a parking as the Christmas program started at  4:00 pm. Well when we arrived at church the line of people to go in to the church was already out to the parking lot. This was a great program with 80 people in the choir and the orchestra consisted of about 30 . There was a group that played different kinds of instruments also bagpipe. Then there was Irish dancers. We are so lucky to be just a couple blocks from this church with all these free concerts.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

A slow day

Not much activity today but I read the Decision magazine and I did some upgrading of my file cabinet. It was getting too full. We played some Rummy-Q.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Sunny Day

This morning I went to Dr. Rick for a treatment. I stopped at the club for 20 minutes on the tread mill and to pick up Ethel from ceramics. Then we went to Home Depot and purchased some cup hooks to hang the Christmas decoration on my bedroom window. We just got home and Mary dropped by and wanted to go to IHOP for lunch. I finally got time to do my icing when we got home. This is the picture of the Christmas decoration from inside as I don't want to go outside to take the picture.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

More rain

Yes that is right we got more rain today, thunder and lightning. The TV keeps cutting off for a minute each time maybe from the storm. We went to play cards, Ethel, Mary, Hsing and myself. I feel relief from to much pain. Still doing the icing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Rain today

This morning I went for my treatment with Dr. Rick then I went on the tread mill for 20 minutes. Ethel dropped off all orchid plant at the auditorium for the Garden Club. Hailey came at about 12:15 pm with the ice pack. Then we went to Mama Cellas for lunch. The parking lot was filled up so we had to park in front of the Post Office. When we came out of the restaurant it was raining so Hailey ran to get the car to pick us up. We played Rummy-Q and Hailey was the winner. We sent one half a Cost-Co pumpkin pie home with her.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Cost Co Shopping

This morning we went to Cost-Co and got gas then we did some shopping at Cost-Co. I did my three sessions of icing for twenty minutes each time. I did some reading and paper work of checking my files. We played a few games of Rummy-Q. This evening Hailey called and she is going to come tomorrow to bring a ice pack that Alden wanted me to have.

Monday, December 3, 2018

One more Dr. Rick apt.

Yes the Dr. informed me that I have one more apt that the Scan Ins. pays and from then on I will have to pay the full amount. I didn't ask what a full payment is so I will ask Wednesday. But I think I will discontinue for this year. The other question is will the Ins pay for year 2019 for another 10 appointments. After my appointment I went on the tread mill and picked up Ethel from the ceramics.This afternoon I made Scalloped corn.
This afternoon we went to play cards, only four of us. Mary, Hsing, Ethel and myself.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Feeling better

Last night I did not go to my recliner to sleep. This morning we went to church, after the 8:30 service we went to Denny's as there is no Bible Study class this month. The weather has gotten colder and a prediction of rain for Wednesday and Thursday. I thank God the pain seems to be getting less.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A beautiful day

The weather is great today. This morning I did the washing changed my bed sheets. While doing the regular activities something happened and the pain of my right side shifted to pain on my left side but I still have some pain on my right side also. At first it was very painful so I could hardly walk. So this evening it seems to be some better. I just keep praying for healing. It seems to really help when I ice my lower back. I will see if I can sleep in my bed tonight. Now I know why Dad could sleep in his chair so well.