Thursday, November 19, 2020

A great day

Breakfast was a wsffle with blueberries and whipped cream. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was chicken, green beans and baked potato, fig cookies for desert. Afternoon working on the handy craft for Annie. and computer things. Afternoon snack was Jello. Working on cleaning my bathroom and a short nap. Thanks to Lovely for the message from James Dobson, I had Ethel read it also. The Church services we watch on Sunday morning are David Jeramiah, Jack Graham and Robert Jefferies, these are mentioned in James Dobson's readiing.



  1. wait what handicraft? I gotta give you the measurements !!!! if it is what i think it is

  2. I am doing the same size of a small kleenex box so if it is different please give me the size.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Annie needs to give you the measurements!
