Thursday, December 31, 2020


 Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. I still need some time to rest from my stomach  pain. Worked some on Annie's project. I received Paige's Christmas present but I am waiting for five more to come, also I have not received dad's and my annuity for Jan. first of 2021. Have never had mail so slow. Lunch was small amount of sweet potato, one fish stick and peas. Afternoon snack was a slice of Gina's pumpkin bread, it was good. Evening meal was soup. I will go to bed before the New Year rings in. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Frost on the grass

This morning it was cold.  started the washing and Ethel finished it as I was suffering from pain. I am feeling some better tonight. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Lunch was poached egg on toast mint tea with honey. I rested most of the day. No snack and evening meal was peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. Then it was news, no game shows.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Fun day

This morning we had cold cereal for breakfast. At noon Alden, Gina and McKenna came, they brought a pot of chili which Gina made with french bread. After lunch we played hand and foot. McKenna and Alden beat Gina and myself, but it was a close game. Alden returned my car as Paige bought a car. Even I don't drive very much it is good to have a car sometimes. Hailey and Matt went to Pennsylvania to spend New Years with Matt's family. Josh worked at yogurt place today. Andrew helped his friend move.


Monday, December 28, 2020

Not much today

Well last night we got the rain. Breakfast was cod cereal. I worked on Annie's project.. Lunch was baked potato, tomato and ham. Afternoon was hand and foot. Alden called and they will come tomorrow, Gina will make chili for lunch and we will lay hand and foot. Evening meal was soup and crackers. News and wheel a fortune.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Church day

 Breakfast was scrambles eggs with ham and toast. From 10:00 am to 12:00 we viewed four church services. Lunch was left over Christmas dinner with one cookie. Afternoon was a nap and computer games. Evening meal was pizza and a piece of Gina's fudge. Viewed the news and it said we will have a rain storm Monday, so I will not be doing the washing. I don't want to track in my house from the wash house. I did games from books.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Take it easy day

Breakfast was oat meal with raisins. Finding a place for Christmas gifts. Thanks to Gina for all the home cooked goodies. Also all the other gifts. Lunch was left over meal which Alden sent home for us. Our snack was blueberry muffins which neighbor gave us. After nap and walk with the walker. Evening meal was soup and crackers. Viewed Lawrence Welk show, Wheel a fortune and Jepardy.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

Hard time to sleep from hip pain so I was up at 5:00 am for a shower. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Reading and a little nap. Hailey and Paige came at 12:45 to take us to Alden's house. They had about twenty people. We had dinner about 2:00 pm. Then we all gathered  together and opened presents .Next was desert time which was pumpkin pie and apple pie from Cost Co. Next was watch football. Alden brought us home at about 6:30 pm. Then Alan called to SKYPE which is always a treat to talk to him.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve 2020

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Computer things until 9:00 am. Waiting for e-mail from UPS for Christmas gifts. No notice from UPS so I wrapped gifts with a not saying gifts will be delivered later this year or year 2021. I can't believe this as I always have Christmas gifts done way ahead of time. That is 2020 so what else is new for this year. Lunch was Chili and crackers.  Snack was yogurt with blueberries. Evening meal was peanutbutter and jelly sandwich and Maple Leaf cookies from Tom and Karen. This is a picture of our Christmas tree this year.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Foggy this morning

It was some warmer this morning as it was foggy. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Checking the computer and computer games. Lunch was chicken hot dish and carrots. Snack was yogurt. I went for a walk with my walker. We played hand and foot Ethel was the winner. Evening meal was poached egg on toast. News, eating popcorn while watching the game shows. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Getting ready for Christmas

Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Morning was spent getting Christmas gifts ready. Lunch was chicken hot dish. A nap trying to doctor a head ache. Afternoon snack was a mini ice cream cone. Evening meal was a mini pizza. News and game shows. This is the progress of my project which will be finished after the holidays.


Monday, December 21, 2020

Elaine called

Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Computer things. Prayer time. I put together a chicken hot dish which needs to marinate. Lunch was ham, corn and sweet potato. Elaine called from Minneapolis had a nice talk with her. Snack was mini ice cream cone. Evening meal was soup and crackers and fig cookies. I received some of my purchase for Christmas, I sure hope I receive the remainder of the order. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Church Day

Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Viewed four church services. Lunch was fish tacos. Afternoon snack was mini ice cream cones. Getting things ready for Christmas gifts. Doing computer games. Evening meal was toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Viewed a Hallmark movie.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ethel's 93 Birthday

 Morning was 37 outside and 67 inside. Breakfast was ham and egg on toast. Bible reading. Alden came at noon to take us to Denny's for lunch. Stopped by Albertsons to get bananas.  We played hand and foot and the Birthday girl was the winner. Alden taped some more movies for us. Then he went to my room and sacked out while we watched Lawrence Welk Christmas show and wheel a fortune. Alden left about 7:30 pm to pick up Jeff from the airport. The flowers are from Alden's family.


Friday, December 18, 2020

Marianna's John showed up with milk fo us

Breakfast was eggs and toast as we have been without milk for a few days. Marianna sent her husband to bring us milk and he brought us a little Gift package. We gave him two ceramic corn holders and Ethel gave him a little house that she made. Now we haven't had a car since before Thanksgiving and I hate to call Alden just for milk. I miss having a car even for just a few things and I am unable to walk to the store. .I did my Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was sweet potato, corn, chicken and cookies. Snack was mini ice cream cone. Evening meal was toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Then it was news and game shows.. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Nights are cold

 Breakfast was waffle wit blueberries. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was potato, carrots, peas and fish. Afternoon was playing hand and foot. Snack was tapioca pudding. Evening meal was pizza and two cookies. News and game shows.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Thank God for another day

 Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. Most of the day spent reading the Decision magazine. Lunch was baked potato, meat balls with mushroom gravy and peas. I made tapioca pudding with strawberries. Evening meal was soup, crackers with a slice of turkey meat and cheese. tapioca pudding was desert. News and game shows.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

I can't believe Dec. is half gone

Breakfast was oat meal  with raisins and banana. Christmas is almost here. Our Governor, Nuisense said for us to stay home for Christmas so we will see and that doesn't seem right as I like to be with family. Today I did my Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was fish tacos. We played hand and foot. Snack was chocolate bark. I did a few computer games. Evening meal was a toasted turkey and cheese sandwich. Next was news and game shows.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Wash Day

My turn to wash today. Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. I finished the was and cleaned my bathroom at 11:46 am. Ethel made lunch which was chicken, carrots and celery.  A few computer games, then yogurt with blueberries. Worked on Annie's project and had a short nap. Evening meal was a toasted sandwich with turkey meat and cheese two cookies. News and game shows.


Sunday, December 13, 2020

Church Day

Breakfast was cold cereal. We watched three church Services on TV. Lunch was chili. Alden came to pick me up to go to his place for the afternoon. Paige, Josh and Gina were there and Vicky and Keith came Gina fixed pizza with  many additions, it was great. We visited until McKenna and Andrew came shortly. Then Gina made pulled pork on buns, potato salad and desert was ice cream and brownies. Hailey arrived at about 8:00 pm after working at Home Depot for ten hours. They have their place decorated so beautiful, I gave them almost all of my decorations. Then Alden brought me home. This is the first that I have gotten away from home for about a month.



Saturday, December 12, 2020

This is Saturday

 Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Checking computer. It's 12/12 2020 Lovely's Birthday. I worked on my project. Lunch was fish tacos. Afternoon snack was hot coco with marsh mellows. We played hand and foot I was the big looser. Evening meal was grilled cheese sandwich. We watched a movie "Holliday for Heroes"

Friday, December 11, 2020

This is Friday

It was in the 40's outside and 67 inside when I went to turn the heater up/ Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. Bible reading and prayer time computer games. Lunch was chicken, sweet potato, and peas and two fig cookies. Working on the project. Afternoon snack was yogurt. Nap time. Evening meal was poached egg on toast. News time, game shows doing Sudoku while watching TV.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Another project

 Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Going through more files and updating them. Bible reading. Lunch was lasagna. Starting a new project. Snack was yogurt. Working on the project. Evening meal was soup. News and game shows. Can you guess what the project is?

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Alden our delivery man

 Breakfast was scrambled eggs, ham and toast. Bible reading. Alden arrived at 10:30 and he left at 11:00 to shop, he discovered he had no wallet at WalMart. So he could not go to Costco. We had lasagna for lunch then we were all looking for his wallet plus Gina at their house. It was found in a car he and Paige checked in Escondido yesterday. Well he had to go and pick it up and go to Costco. We were all praying that it would show up. Alden had to leave at 5:30 pm so we did not have much time with him. But thank God that he got our groceries and found his wallet.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Slow Day

Breakfast was cold cereal with banana. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was chicken, steamed greens ,carrots, sweet potato and tomato. Computer games. Snack was Jello. Computer things, preparing my grocery list & short nap. Evening meal was pizza. Then it was news and game shows. 


Monday, December 7, 2020

Dec. 7 Pearl Harbor Day

 Yes today is Pearl Harbor Day and Dad and my 63rd  Anniversary. Ethel did the wash today. Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Bible reading and prayer time. I did some resting today as last night I did not sleep much from pain. I might sleep in my recliner tonight as I don't get the pain when I sleep in the recliner.. Lunch was baked potato, carrots, fish sticks and coleslaw. Our afternoon snack was the last slice of pecan pie. Evening meal was 1/2 peanut butter sandwich. News and game shows.


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Four Church services

 Yes it is great to be able to view four Church services. Breakfast was waffle with blueberries and whipped cream. Then we viewed three Services and had the chicken hot dish for lunch. I did my Bible reading and prayer time. Snack time was Jello with pineapple. Up dating things on the computer. Evening meal was thank Jesus again for the last of the hot dish. News time and we viewed the fourth Church service. Sure thank Alden to fix the TV for these Church services.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Not much today

 Yes but it was cold last night in the 30's.  Up early again. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana.  I had to cancel McKenna's invitation to the cookie party. They say to stay home so I stayed home. Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was sweet potato, green salad, and meat balls. I made Jello with pineapple and that was our afternoon snack. Playing computer games and checked in on the speeches in Georgia from Pence and Trump. Evening meal was soup and crackers. View wheel of fortune.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Heater working all day

Yes the heater got a work out today. Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. Bible reading. Lunch was the chicken hot dish which I made yesterday, it was good. We played "hand and foot". Snack was a muffin from Gale. Evening meal was soup and crackers. News and game shows. This is my two Christmas Cactus plants.


Thursday, December 3, 2020

Annie received the tissue box cover

 Up at 5:00 am as my hip was painful. It was very windy last night but warm. Breakfast was cream of wheat with raisins and banana. I made a chicken hot dish for tomorrow as it has to marinate before I bake it. Lunch was left overs. Bible reading and prayer time. Snack was muffins from Gail our neighbor. Games on my computer. Evening meal was spinach, cheese and slice of turkey and crackers. Next was news and game shows.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Wash day

 Yesterday was so busy so I did the washing today. Breakfast was cold cereal and banana. Paid bills and finished the washing about 11:00 am. Lunch was lasagna which was left over from yesterday. I made notes for Ethel to follow to hear Christmas music. I did Bible notes to computer. Snack was a small ice cream cone. I did some computer games. Evening meal was soup and crackers. Then it was news and game shows.