Friday, December 18, 2020

Marianna's John showed up with milk fo us

Breakfast was eggs and toast as we have been without milk for a few days. Marianna sent her husband to bring us milk and he brought us a little Gift package. We gave him two ceramic corn holders and Ethel gave him a little house that she made. Now we haven't had a car since before Thanksgiving and I hate to call Alden just for milk. I miss having a car even for just a few things and I am unable to walk to the store. .I did my Bible reading and prayer time. Lunch was sweet potato, corn, chicken and cookies. Snack was mini ice cream cone. Evening meal was toasted ham and cheese sandwich. Then it was news and game shows.. 


  1. No, you cannot walk to Albertson's... don't they have a delivery service? You can call and order things!

  2. And if you order more than 20US$, I think delivery is free! Because Albertson's is right there!
