Thursday, May 20, 2021

Not much change

I have been sleeping the first 4 hours then I struggle with pain and dose off and on until 5:00 in the morning. Breakfast was cold cereal. Check blogs and email make my bed which I do every morning. Work on my project. Lunch was the chicken casserole which I put together yesterday. Snack time was yogurt from where Josh and Hailey work. Talked to Alden and he is busy taking both toilets apart and repair as one runs water in the middle of the night. He is also repairing light switches. I told him don't bother to come here this week, we don't need anything. I called Scripps and they are still down. So no blood tests for me yet. Evening meal was soup. News and game shows.



  1. That's a lot of repair work needed... We have a fridge lightbulb that the guy will come this afternoon to change... 30US$!

  2. Replies
    1. It would have never worked as the cover had partially melted...

  3. Maybe that was a comment for Mom Bea!
