Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Weather was great

 Breakfast was cold cereal. Not much in the morning. Lunch was fish, broccoli and potato. Alden called at 12:15 that he was on his way. He had to go to Costco. at 2:00 Marianna came and Alden got here after two. Then we had to put all groceries away then we played hand and foot. Alden and I were the winners over Ethel and Marianna but it was a close game. After visiting awhile Ethel Alden and I went to Denny's for evening meal, I had a cup of potato soup and a muffin. Alden went to the club for a swim .



  1. The club is opened... swimming... ceramics?

  2. and so nice to have Alden come regularly !!! Now everything is open too
