Saturday, November 17, 2018


Today I did the washing of clothes which includes changing my bed. I had a yogurt and coffee for breakfast. I started to have more pain as my back went out again. I did my three icing today. Even more pain I still decided to set up my Manger Scene with Ethel's help. We didn't put the light up for it as we were both in pain. After watching Lawrence Welk this evening I took two pain pills.. I will have Alden sweep the leaves off the patio when he comes. We had a few dry windy days and the leaves landed on the patio so I just swept by the door so we don't track into the house.


  1. Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... So, it's not a permanent solution going to the chiropractor... Must pray for complete healing... like my back that the LORD healed!
