Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Still sorting

 Breakfast was oatmeal with raisins and banana. Yes still going through things. Also checking for "House for Sale" There is not much out there. The one I liked I think sold and McKenna liked it also because it had the granny on it which would be good for her and Andrew. It is hard to know what to toss. I still have to go my clothes and I think that is the hardest, but I don't go places much anymore. Lunch was Gina's chili and carrots and broccoli. There was Bible reading and prayer time. Evening meal was cottage cheese and peaches and two fig cookies, then news and game shows.


  1. I wear my clothes until they are holy then becomes rags or throw away.......

  2. I bring clothes for Annie. She rarely goes shopping!

  3. I still have clothes which dad gave me and I hate to toss. Of course I still have clothes from LOVELY.
