Wednesday, December 27, 2017


We left here at 9:00 am to drive down to Alden's for Christmas. The boys from Hawaii were there helping in the kitchen as usual. Aunt Jean and Uncle Jim were also there and Vicky. McKenna and Andrew showed up later as they were in Imperial Beach at Andrew's Grandmothers earlier in the morning. Camia's family and Keith were all sick and didn't show up. Had a great time opening gifts. I was still suffering with the cold infection. Today I am feeling better. We came home at about 4:00 pm. Gina fixed left overs for us so we have had left overs for two days. We are not having ceramics and cards this week as most everyone is sick. Here are some pictures of Christmas.

Friday, December 22, 2017

Weather Changes

Shortly after I sprayed the pantry I came down with a cold and I am unable to shake it off. It has been 3 weeks now so I went to the doctor and got some medication to spray in my nose once a day. With the drainage from my nose down it causes me to cough then I have no energy. I pray that I will get over this before Christmas. Last week end was Ethel's 90th Birthday celebration. We went to OUT-BACK for dinner. While Alden was here Alden and Josh vacuumed the heater filter which was quite dirty.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


What a day. At 8:30 am we went to Cost-Co for gas there was no line. Then we went to Poway Wells Fargo next to Wal-Mart. We did our shopping at Wal-Mart and came home. After putting our purchases away we took everything out of the pantry as there were ants in the pantry. I never thought we could have so much in such a small space. Needless to say we are sorting out things. We washed all the shelves and sprayed with (Home Defence). Tomorrow we will put things back in the pantry.

Thursday, November 23, 2017


This morning I stepped out of the shower and all the electricity went out, it was out for two hours. I went outside to see if I saw any evidence of no electric I went to the shed to check the meters and they all registered blank. Then at 8:00 am we had power. At 11:00 am we put our things in the car and drove down to Alden's. Before dinner we all stood in a circle and each person said what they were thankful for. When it got to Andrew who was the last one in line he got on his knees and proposed to McKenna and gave her the ring. There was a total of 25 people for dinner. The menu was turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, deviled eggs, cranberry jello, pumpkin pie and brownies. I might have missed something but it was great. Sorry I didn't take any pictures. May be Gina has some. We came home at about 4:00 pm.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Day with Alden

Alden came to the house at about 9:00 am then we took off to Discount Tire to have 4 new tires installed on my car. While being installed we went to Wal-Mart to purchase a new car battery and groceries for the Cranberry jello for Thanksgiving. Alden wanted to go to Cost-Co to pick up a few things so we went to Cost-Co and arrived there at 10:15 am but wouldn't you know we couldn't find a place to park so we decided to go back to Discount Tire to pick up my car. Then we took Alden's car to park in the lot where Hailey was at school. Next we took my car and stopped to have lunch at Denny's. After lunch we went to Alden's and Alden and Josh worked on my car, changed the battery changed the oil, washed and vacuumed and polished my car. It is like a new car now even it is 15 years old. Thanks Alden & Josh. Had a nice time talking to Gina and Paige.

Then Alden and I drove back to Poway to pick up Alden's car and I drove my NEW car home. I had to show off my New car to Ethel and Tom.
Yesterday I stayed home all day to wait for UPS to deliver the jewel box which I ordered. I set up my Christmas things and the ceramic houses which I made. UPS arrived at about 6:30 pm.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Another Day

Left the house at 10:00 am to go to Prime Time. The program was (Cowboy Jack) the menu was (Parmesan Crusted Chicken, Pasta, Veggies and Strawberry cheese cake). Could wear anything about cowboys so I still have the jean outfit that Lovely and Debby picked out for me in year 2000 when I went on the cruise with Betty and Gloria, my two roommates from 1955, 1956 & 1957. Wow that was a long time ago.
At 3:00 pm we went to the club house to play Hand & Foot. How great Lois and I won over Ethel and Mary. When we went out to the car the wind was blowing and it seemed real cold, as now we are getting some cooler weather after the hot spell we had.
I just read Lovely's Blog and she arrived in Taiwan safely. So Lovely are you shocked to see me do some Blogs?

Monday, October 30, 2017

Shopping at Jeromes

This morning we left at 9:45 to go to Jeromes to purchase a Full size bed for Ethel. After filling out the paperwork we came home and it seemed like a lot of semi trucks on the freeway or it is because I don't drive on the freeway much anymore. We arrived home at 12:00 noon. Jeromes was to deliver the bed this afternoon so we skipped ceramics and hand & foot today. I don't know what happened but it is now 9:55 pm and no bed. We received several phone calls with names of people we didn't know so something is not right, I hope they show up tomorrow.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Busy sunday

Well this was a real busy Sunday. Lovely stayed over night last night. This morning we got ready for Church 8:30 am service. Had a great service starting with Pastor Brian & Pastor Mofid leading the Bagpipe Processional. The symphony preformed with other great music. Pastor Brian gave a message of "The Purpose of Giving". After the service I was surprised to be greeted from Alden and family as they had to park in the lower parking lot and were unable to sit where we were as the Church was packed. There was a lot of activity in the courtyard after the service. Then we made our way over to Marie Callenders for brunch.
After brunch we all ended up at my Condo for time together, but we missed Hailey as she had time with her friend from the July cruise. Well then everyone got involved in finishing Aunt Ethel's project.
Then there was that huge chocolate cake and we had to divide it for every one to take home. They all left about 2:00 pm and Lovely called and said she arrived at Regina's safely. Then Lovely had to repack things as Ethel gave her a large suitcase. While Lovely is in U.S. Alan takes over for the church in Taiwan.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lovely Down from L.A.

This morning it was very foggy. I washed clothes while Ethel worked vigorously on rearranging her room. She disassembled her queen size bed, sawed the wood piece underneath and set up one of the two sets of drawers as a window seat. What to do with the other set of drawers is now our biggest question? Yippy... as Alden and his family will be here tomorrow. Maybe they can find a good home for it or at least move the darn thing to the patio. Then next week we will go shopping for a regular size bed for her room.

Lovely called to let me know that she was going to leave L.A. at 3:00 pm to come down. With the way she drives, she said she'd arrive here at about 6:00 pm. (She walked in the door at 6:05!) I had made some flan this morning. And for dinner I made scalloped potatoes and corn and of course, flan for dessert.
Image result for flan in a glass bowl
It is so great to have Lovely. The bad part is she has to leave tomorrow at about 1:00 pm. Well she will go to church with us tomorrow for the 8:30am service. We will go to Marie Callendar's for brunch. There will be 10 of us as Alden and his group will also be with us. Everyone will come over here as I bought a HUGE triple layer chocolate cake from Costco!
                                                                                                             Image result for triple layer chocolate cake
And on other notes, we've been really hot weather this week, but today it cooled down quite a bit.

Yes, it's been a month since I last blogged... better late than never...

I should mention that one reason why I haven't been able to blog is because I forgot my own password to get into my blog account. Can it be my age?

Lovely came and helped me out... all she did was point to  my notes and said, "Mom, you've been using the wrong password?" Oh... was that the problem? She wrote it nice and big on my typed notes. I should now be able to blog more regularly!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Time to Blog

After reading Lovely's Blog I decided to blog. While Alan and Bruce were here we did a few special things. First Alan drove us over to LaJolla to view these air kites that people were flying. Alan and Bruce walked down to get a better view of the ocean etc. Ethel and I wanted to get to a area where it wasn't so windy. Well down went Ethel, with a few scrapes, in a second 3 men came to help. Are you OK?, Yes. Can we get your car for you? We don't know where the car is. How did you get here? With our sons. Where are your sons? Over there some where. At that time Alan and Bruce came in sight.So I said there they are. Well we laughed and said "don't leave these two old ladies alone"
Well then we went on a tour of the Midway Air craft carrier. Alan dropped us off so he could park the car. We toured the ship and were ready to leave so we waited for Alan to get the car. Well it took so long we thought someone must have stole the car, Alan thought the same as he was going all over the parking lot trying to find my car with Annie's Keys. Finally he realized he was using the wrong keys and looking for the wrong car.

Alan took us on a tour at Point Loma viewed over the military graves with San Diego and North Island in the background. Then we went to the Boat House for lunch and It was Bruce's Birthday so Bruce ordered the Free Prime Rib dinner.

Then finally on Thursday Alan took us to the airport to pick up the rental car for Bruce and ended up going south to Chula Vista instead we needed to go north to Rancho Bernardo.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Getting Ready

Yesterday Ethel, Alan, Isaiah and I went to Moma Cellas for lunch. At 1:30 we went to Rummikub, we had a great time I won one table and Ethel won one table. I had made a banana cream pie with whipping cream which we had for a snack in the afternoon. Ethel and I finished our left overs in the evening.

Today after breakfast I packed my bags for our cruise, then filled all my containers for medicine.
Today we will be going to "hand & foot" at 3:00 pm. At 6:00 pm we will be going with Alan to his friends for dinner. Tomorrow we will head up to L.A. to stay at Annie's over night. We will be ready Saturday to board the ship from Long Beach for our 7 day cruise to Cabo San Lucas, Mazatlan & Puerto Vallarta then back to Long Beach.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Church today

Back to blogging. Alan, Isaiah, Ethel and I went to church this morning  It seemed like there was a larger attendance today. Then we went to Denny's for brunch. The tempter  was in the 90"s but we didn't need to use the AC as it was comfy in the house. Alan and Isaiah went to play basketball with Alan's friend and then they went down to Alden's. Isaiah will be staying at Alden's until Tuesday. I am getting things lined up to pack for the cruise as we will be driving to L.A. Friday then will leave Saturday for the 7 day Mexico cruise.  

Thursday, May 18, 2017

After Mother's Day

May 14 2017 was Mother's Day and Ethel and I went to the 8:30 am service and we were accepted in as New Members. After service we went to Denny's for breakfast then came home and rested a little. Then we went to Cost-Co for gas and it was closed for repairs. After that we went down to Alden's and had lunch with them. Alden was the cook and O what a great meal. They presented us with some beautiful flowers and Gina took our picture but something happened that the computer did not accept the picture. We returned home before dark as I don't like to be out after dark.
Then Monday we went to Ceramics and  Hand & Foot.
Tuesday we went to Rummy Que.
Wednesday I went for my Mammogram and we went to Home Depot to pick up a flapper for Ethel's bathroom. At about 3:00 pm the door bell rang and what do you know was standing at the door, it was Albert. He had tried to send me a Mother's Day e-mail but it didn't go through so he had a bus run up here at the R.B. hotel so he stopped in and I gave him his copy of "My Story". We had a nice little talk as it has been so long since we saw each other. He is doing great and been doing traveling.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Ethel's surgery

This is a day I was wishing Alan was here. I had a hard night to sleep as I knew I had to drive Ethel to the SCRIPPS clinic in La Jola for surgery on her hand.
We loaded my walker and cane in the car as we didn't know what the situation would be like. So we left at 9:30 am. Ethel was to check in at 10:30 so we arrived at the clinic at10:25. Due to the fact that we got lost and had to get directions at a service station.
Ethel was taken into the operation room at 12:00 and at 12:15 pm the doctor came to me and said he was finished, everything went well. I picked her up and we headed for home and had soup for lunch at about 2:00 pm.
Mother's day Ethel and I will be joining the RBCPC church, then we will be driving down to Alden's for Mother's Day celebration.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Spring Prime time for 2017

Last night we went to Church for New Members Class, we are very happy that one of our friends is getting active with us at Church.
Today we went to the last spring Prime Time which included the Style Show from the Church thrift shop. Oh what beautiful garments. The lunch was a buffet which was very good. Ethel was wearing a jacket which was purchased from a thrift shop. I am posting Ethel with our new pastor and her thrift shop purchase.
This afternoon we went to our "Hand & Foot" games. We are still reading the series of "Left Behind"

Sunday, April 2, 2017

New Pastor Bryan Stamper

Today Ethel and I went to church, we had invited Tess and Bob to meet us at church. They were waiting for us in the church entry. Pastor Bryan Stamper was the preacher. He is our new senior pastor. We have been without a senior pastor for about one and a half years. Tess and Bob really enjoyed the service even they are from Catholic background. They want to attend regularly. After church I invited Tess and Bob to have brunch with us at Marie Calenders.
Last month I arranged for a cruise of seven days for nine people to go from July 22,2017 through July 29,2017. I am sure we will have a great time.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

This is a bad day

Ethel and I went to Cost Co to get gas then we went to pic up potatoes and eggs a big purchase $7.48.
Well that was good. When we came home I went to my computer to get my e-mails and I am blocked from e-mails. Everything else seems to work OK so maybe I need Alan.
I think I can SKYPE.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

More rain

This morning when I opened the blinds it seemed like there was no rain. I took a shower and got ready for Church. I went to take my medication with 1/2 slice of toast and a cup of coffee. When I returned to my room I looked out and it was raining. So I changed to my boots and rain coat.
We went to church, Dr. Mofid Wasef was the speaker. The subject was on Isaac's and his two sons Jacob and Esau. The Orchestra did a great job with the music, how I love to hear the Orchestra.
After Church we went to Denny's for breakfast.
The day Alan left Ethel and I signed up for Library cards and we checked out three books. I finished reading "LEFT BEHIND" Now I am reading "TRIBULATION FORCE". These books are very interesting.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Meals around the world

As you can see I haven't blogged for a while. I was having problems to get into my blog after Alan and Ben worked on my computer. Today I tried again and had to have Alan help me as it seems like maybe Ben deleted my Blogs. So, we will see if I can get this Blog done.

Today Ethel, Barbara and I went to Church to work on 100,000 meals to be delivered to places all over the world. It was raining so this process had to be done inside the Church, not in the parking lot like last year. After we had started, Alan came and took pictures. He also helped with the process. I will post a few pictures which Alan had taken.

Alan & Ben

Yes I thought I had it all lined up but I see it had a mind of its own. Oh well... you got the idea. I just finished reading Lovely's Blogs about their Australia trip and it looks like all of them had a great time. The price was right also.

Alan went to play tennis. Ethel and I went to ceramics and came home and had soup for lunch. At 1:00 we went to play Hand and Foot.When we arrived home from the club, Alan was on the phone with Ben getting my computer fixed. It seems like there was too much on my computer and everything was really going slow. That disabled so many things which I needed like the DVD, USB, Norton icon and who knows what else. So they cancelled Norton and now we will see how it is. Ben said Norton was taking up too much space and slowed everything down. He also said we don't need Norton as Microsoft takes over. Alan is going to set up his computer so if I have problems Alan can get on to my computer from his computer in Taiwan as I am not very bright to fix all these computer things.

I made spaghetti and asparagus for dinner. We also had wine, then we had the Cherry pie from Marie Calender's. I told Ethel I ate too much today. I need to cut down.

Image result for valentines

Saturday, February 4, 2017


I am so happy that Alan is here. Thanks for all the things from Taiwan like coffee packets, hot water pot, chips, ant bait and everything else. We got everything put away.Then we made salmon, baked potato, broccoli and of course, green jello. for dinner. Alan worked on my computer as everything was getting very slow. I was unable to download pictures from my camera and the DVD drive was disabled. The Norton icon also didn't work. Alan noticed that everything was so slow. Now I am trying to test all the things that didn't work. So far it seems to work good. I will try to put some pictures on this Blog, like some ceramics which I made. I am sending the HEART candy dish to Taiwan                                                          

                                                            This is Alden's Birthday