Sunday, September 30, 2018

A cooler day

Today we went to the 8:30 am Church service The message was on "Two ways to die" either you can die in rightness or die in our sins. After the service we went to the patio and visited with friends. At 10:00 am we attended the Bible study class and the subject was from Hebrews concerning Angels.
We went to Denny's for brunch. The afternoon was spent reading and taking a short nap. For dinner we had chicken breasts and macaroni and cheese and a ice cream cone.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Been busy

Yes I have been busy with taking care of bills and recording everything. This time of the year everything comes. There is well of course first was the Trust, condo monthly dues, condo yearly dues, Auto Ins., Condo Ins., Property taxes and also Church donation I am lucky the Visa was not too high. O well God is good to provide for me. I just want to make sure I take care of everything and not make a mistake. I went to Albertson"s for my flu shot today and I got milk, bananas, 8 pieces of chicken and brownie mix, I didn't find time to make the brownies. Also I wanted to make a potato salad but I guess there is another day.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What happened

I don't know what happened to my blog yesterday. Well we went and got our hair cut and took Ethel's computer to get it fixed so now she is able to use it.
Today we went to the club for a ceramics meeting. I took a nap and checked on the entries of the house phone and also of my I phone as I was missing several numbers from Alden's girls and a few other numbers which I had to enter. We were to show a picture of our self from years ago at the ceramics meeting. This is the picture which I showed. 1989 after we retired and we were on our way to Samoa for Al to be the Chief. Well it didn't work out so we returned back here in USA.

Monday, September 24, 2018


We didn't see the sun today and it was cooler.. I made oatmeal with raisins for breakfast. I went to the workout on the tread mill. Then I went to the ceramics room to work on a few things. We had some left overs for lunch. At one o'clock we went to play hand and foot. There was a new lady who joined us so there were five of us and we could not play partners. I will say my score has been the lowest for the last few weeks. But that is OK it is nice to get together with other people.

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Yes today we went to the church service then we stayed for the 10:00 Bible study, the scripture was Hebrews 1. We got Hsing to stay for the Bible Study then she went to Denny's for brunch with us. This afternoon I spent time going over my Trust and got everything ready to file in the safe.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Time with Alden's

I did the washing yesterday as I had an appointment with the lawyer today. After breakfast I was getting last minute answers of questions for the lawyer so she could get the Trust all together to sign the papers today. The appointment was for 12:30 pm today then we just stayed at Alden's and had In-N-Out which the girls went to pick up. We left Alden's at about 4:00 pm. I informed Alden's that we need a housekeeper once a month and will pay $100 and the duties would be to vacuum, mop the tile floors and carpet sweep the front porch. Well it didn't take long when three hands came up. It was
Paige, Hailey and Gina.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Beautiful day

Cold cereal 1/2 banana and Chinese coffee for breakfast. Took off for Wells Fargo then to Wal-Mart. We put the groceries away and had lunch which consisted of baked beans, with sausage and baked potato with ranch dressing. Later in the afternoon we played Rummy-Q. For evening meal I fixed pea soup and crackers and one fig cookie.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Something different

This morning we went to Cost-Co and got gas, ooo it was below 1/2 full has been over a month since I got gas. Then we went Cost-Co shopping our frig was getting empty but we really filled it up today $170.00 dollars worth with vitamins etc. After we put everything away we sat down with a yogurt. Then we went to a exercise class in the auditorium. Soo tired out when we got home we took a nice long nap. Didn't feel like eating so we had 1/2 banana, dates and nuts.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Feeling better

This morning before I went to ceramics I went ten minutes on the tread mill. We went to the club to play hand and foot. I made spaghetti  and meat balls and the last two sweet potatoes for dinner. There was no wheel a fortune and jeopardy. My back is feeling somewhat better today.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Back pain

Here it is Sunday and we went to Church and stayed for the Bible Study from 10:00 to 11:00. We went to Denny's for brunch. The last two days I have been having back pain like someone hit me in my back. Ethel said may be it is from me coughing. Then I was going to check on Cruise Complete and I couldn't get into it. O well maybe tomorrow will be a better day.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Thanks for the encouragment

Today Ethel did the laundry. She thinks we need to have a housekeeper. It is too hard for her to change her bedding and vacuum. I told her we will see if we can find someone. We also need to have someone mop the tile floor. Yesterday Ethel's computer quit. She said she will get along without it. I told her she can watch some TV shows. But she liked to do the puzzles on her computer.
This afternoon we went over to Mary's house to play Rummy-Q, I was the big winner. I fixed salmon, green salad and sweet potatoes.

Friday, September 14, 2018


Today I was checking my I-phone and I didn't realize that you could do so many things with the I-phone, Also I learned how to call contacts, but there is so much to learn on it. I think I saw somewhere that I could do e-mail also. I am going to keep it simple though. After all I am just a senior and not into learning all these new things. I called Mary to see if she would like to come over to play Rummy-Q but she didn't return my call until later this afternoon and so she will come over tomorrow afternoon to play. Ethel and I played Rummy-Q.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Prime Time

Today we went to Prime Time. Very interesting as it was the history of the USS MIDWAY.  I have toured the Midway two times but it is so huge that you have to have alot of energy to see everything. It was docked as a museum in San Diego. It's  attendance as one of the highest tourist attractions.
I went to hand and foot cards today for the first time in two weeks.
Prime Time desert

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Feeling better

Today I had relief from the cough. I still stayed home and relaxed. I made some rice pudding and just easy things for meals. We played Rummy-Q also.
We still  occasionally  see a ant here and there and the weather still gets up in the high eighties but the nights cool down so it is good sleeping weather.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Reading comments

Yes I was reading comments on my blogs and thanks for the information. First  I need to drink some ginger tea which I haven't done for a while. It just seems like I can't get over this cough. Tonight I am taking some cough syrup. When I talked to Alden he said that he is still having problem to get over it also. I am sorry that Annie has such a back pain. What is she doing for it? Lovely you need to not lift so many heavy things. Don't even lift your mom even she is small as I know when I would lift dad  out of the chair and pull him up in the bed it was very hard on my back, but I am glad I was able to take care of him. I want to thank Lovely for all the help you did here this summer. Next summer there is no list. We are going to have a great vacation ha!!!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Still at home

I am still staying at home trying to get over this. No ceramics, no hand and foot today. Ethel went to ceramics and hand and foot, just Ethel, Mary and Marianna then they went to Olive Garden after playing cards while I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Oh well I didn't feel like eating anyway. May God take care and give me a good rest so I will get over this.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


This week has been a stay at home week. Since I have been under the weather this week my activities have been only at home. On Wednesday Alan scheduled the family cruise for next summer. I did reading resting and computer work. This week was my week to do the washing. I have been trying to do light cooking as I don't feel like eating much.
Ethel went to church and I missed the good country style music.

Saturday, September 8, 2018


I can't believe I haven't blogged this month. Last Saturday Alan and I went down to Alden's to have my Trust renewed with Jennifer, we had a few changes done and updated with new California laws. On Sunday we went to Church with Gina. Alden was not feeling well so he stayed home. I think I got what Alden was struggling with as I started coughing. Then I had a hard time breathing in the mornings. With all said I have not gone to any activities for a week as I don't want to spread my germs.
Last Wednesday Alan booked the cruise for the family for July of 2019. After he finished he went to L.A. to meet with some friends and to get ready to return to Taiwan on Friday. May God be with hem in his travels. I have been updating my safe also. Of course Ethel and I have been playing Rummy-Q.