Monday, March 22, 2021

Wash day

 Up at 6:00 am. medication, get thing ready for washing. I am using the walker to take clothes out to the washer. Breakfast was cold cereal, banana and coffee. Prayer time then to my room to put clean sheets on the bed and check email and remarks on my blog and Lovey's blog. I received the pictures today, THANKS. Ethel made lunch which was chicken, sweet potato and green beans with mushrooms. Afternoon snack was Costco chocolate cake which was good but real sweet. Evening meal was poached egg on toast. Then news and game shows. No Sudoku as I was reading my snail mail.


  1. We didn't get to see you this last year... And we are not sure about 2021! We love you!

  2. I cannot... who will take care of MOM?!?!?! Alan will be there... I think... Abby has internship, so I don't want her to be here on her own!
