Saturday, May 29, 2021

A beautiful day

Breakfast was oat meal with raisins and banana. Check e-mail and blogs. A update on my tooth. A week ago I had a tooth ace, it happened at the time Alan and I SKYPED so I called the dentist for a apt. in the mean time I doctored it with what is in the picture and in a few days the ace went away. I had Ex-rays and I will be getting a cleaning latter on. Bible reading and prayer time. This morning Alden stopped by to drop off a few things. Lunch was ravioli with green beans and white sauce. Afternoon snack was a piece of the blueberry pancake. Working on projects.  Evening meal was left overs. Viewed Lawrence Welk.

1 comment:

  1. Baking soda is so great... Some of the 'old time home remedies' are the best!
